Bowden Cricket Club News story

2016 Club Aims & Objectives

11 May 2016


We're posting our cricket objectives, ensuring Everyone is clear what we're working towards on the field during 2016.

We aim to encourage wider interest and involvement in cricket amongst local young people and their families with the specific objectives of:

∙         Building confidence in all Junior club members to  perform at their best and get maximum enjoyment out of the game

∙         Identifying  and  developing  talent amongst young boys and girls, ensuring the most able have an opportunity to trial at District/County level

∙         Providing learning opportunities for older teenagers and adults to acquire skills in coaching, scoring and umpiring.

Age Group Training Objectives

We are an inclusive club – everyone interested in learning is welcome regardless of ability.  As a result the range of ability in each age group can be  varied. This is particularly compounded where a child has not started cricket until Year 8 thereby missing out on the introductory “Pairs Cricket” format of the game. With these factors in mind we have found flexibility and common sense are required when running group sessions by age.

U9 Objectives

To introduce Players to:-

  • The Basic Bowling Action

  • Catching/Stopping/Throwing and Backing Up Techniques

  • The Forward Drive and the Pull Shot

  • Running between the wicket/communicating within a batting pair


U11 Objectives

  • To assist the transition from soft ball to hard ball

  • To  introduce both seam and spin bowling

  • To consider specific fielding techniques e.g. long barrier

  • Introduction to wicket keeping techniques

  • Forward Defence shot and the concept of shot selection

  • Begin to develop “team” skills


U13 Objectives

  • To facilitate the transition from “pairs cricket” to 11-a-side

  • Improve individual  batting and bowling techniques according to needs

  • Improve all aspects of the fielding game

  • Further develop “team” skills and an understanding of basic field settings.

  • Introduction to  tactics


U15 Objectives

  • Individual netting to improve batting and bowling

  • Improve fielding techniques

  • Build on cricketing knowledge and Develop player knowledge & awareness of their own game

  • Introduction to scoring and umpiring

  • To assist with the transition from Junior to Senior cricket by developing Players confidence

Girl’s and Women’s Objectives

  • Develop and strengthen a structure and pathway for women and girls to actively participate in and follow cricket.

  • We have aspirations to have a Girl's and Women’s teams and plan to develop this through the club and school links.



 These sessions are also about you the Parents and Guardians. Firstly a chance to unwind at the end of the working week with a chat and a sundowner with your friends, and Secondly it will give both Mums and Dads the opportunity to get involved and make this a thriving club, where your children can feel safe and allow them to develop.

Overall Objective

The progression and development of our own Players (young and old) from Junior to Senior cricket is the club's key on-field objective for 2016. We aim to deliver this through continuing to improve our coaching, facilities and opportunities offered to our playing members.

Senior Cricket

1st Team Objective
To gain promotion whilst developing our own squad Players. We aim to achieve this through a focused approach, which will include bringing in a more formal training and selection structure as well as using external high-quality coaching during the season.

2nd Team Objective
To gain promotion whilst developing a number of our U15 and U17 Players. In order to achieve this we intend to select 3-4 Junior cricketers in the 2nd team every week (assuming availability). This will give us a blend of Junior and Senior Players and provide a competitive atmosphere in which Players can develop.

Sunday Friendly Objective

The club plays friendly cricket games on Sundays, this gives an opportunity for Players of all standards and ability to participate and for Seniors to play alongside Juniors and help develop the latter into Senior cricketers over time.

